
CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis and Design 4/e

作者:Sung-Mo Kang, Yusuf Leblebici, Chulwoo Kim
原價:NT$ 1,200


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    The fourth edition of CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design continues the well-established tradition of the earlier editions by offering the most comprehensive coverage of digital CMOS circuit design, as well as addressing state-of-the-art technology issues highlighted by the widespread use of nanometer-scale CMOS technologies. In this latest edition, virtually all chapters have been re-written, the transistor model equations and device parameters have been revised to reflect the significant changes that must be taken into account for new technology generations, and the material has been reinforced with up-to-date examples.

    The broad-ranging coverage of this textbook starts with the fundamentals of CMOS process technology, and continues with MOS transistor models, basic CMOS gates, interconnect effects, dynamic circuits, memory circuits, arithmetic building blocks, clock and I/O circuits, low power design techniques, design for manufacturability and design for testability.

    理工 > 電子/電機 > 積體電路設計

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