
(E-Book) Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems 5/e

作者:David G. Alciatore
原價:NT$ 900

參考網頁:Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems 5/e

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    For 20 years Introduction of Mechatronics and  Measurement Systems has provided an accessible overview of the evolving field of mechatronics. David G. Alciatore has taken careful steps to present the fundamentals of mechatronic system analysis and design. The text's numerous illustrations, examples, and problems provide an opportunity to sec how mechatronics analysis and design principles are applied in engineering  practice.

    The fifth edition of  Introduction of Mechatronics and  Measurement Systems has been improved, updated, and expanded beyond the previous edition. Additions and new Features include:
    • Arduino resources and examples added to supplement PIC microcontroller programming.
    • MATLAB solutions added for related Mathcad analysis files.
    • More microcontroller programming and Interfacing examples,  including serial communication.
    • Expanded coverage of practical circuit and microcontroller-project debugging and troubleshooting advice.
    • New section covering diode applications.
    • New coverage of how to use an A/D reconstruction filter to produce high-fidelity representations of sampled data.
    • Expanded section dealing with virtual instrumentation and the Nl ELVIS Laboratory Platform
    • More website resources, including Internet links and online video demonstrations, cited and described throughout the book.
    • Additional end-of-chapter questions throughout the book provide more homework and practice options.
    Laboratory Exercises that accompany  Introduction of Mechatronics and  Measurement Systems are now available on-line for free and unlimited use by faculty and students.

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