
Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering 5/e

作者:Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla, Ashok D. Belegundu
原價:NT$ 1,600

出版商:Cambridge University
參考網頁:Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering 5/e

內容介紹 目錄

    Thoroughly updated with improved pedagogy, the fifth edition of this classic textbook continues to provide students with a clear and comprehensive introduction the fundamentals of the finite element method. New features include enhanced coverage of introductory topics in the context of simple 1D problems, providing students with a solid base from which to advance to 2D and 3D problems; expanded coverage of more advanced concepts, to reinforce students' understanding; over 30 additional solved problems; and downloadable MATLAB, Python, C, Javascript, Fortran and Excel VBA code packages, providing students with hands-on experience, and preparing them for commercial software. Accompanied by online solutions for instructors, this is the definitive text for senior undergraduate and graduate students studying a first course in the finite element method and finite element analysis, and for professional engineers keen to shore up their understanding of finite element fundamentals.

    • Presents basic and advanced concepts to students in a consistent and rigorous framework, providing a solid theoretical foundation for further study
    • Accompanied by a comprehensive suite of downloadable computational supplements, spanning Matlab, Python, C, Javascript, Fortran and Excel VBA, enabling students to explore computational approaches, develop confidence in writing their own code, and progress to more advanced commercial packages
    • Includes over 230 end of chapter problems, with solutions available for instructors

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