
Calculus for Business, Economics and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief Edition 11/e (2023 Revised Version)

作者:Laurence Hoffmann, Gerald Bradley, David Sobecki, Michael Price
原價:NT$ 1,380

出版商:New Moon Education

內容介紹 目錄

    Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief Edition, provides a sound, intuitive understanding of the basic concepts students need as they pursue careers in business, economics, and the life and social sciences. Students achieve success using this text as a result of the authors’ applied and real-world orientation to concepts, problem-solving approach, straightforward and concise writing style, and comprehensive exercise sets. More than 100,000 students worldwide have studied from this text!

    Revised Content
    Every section in the text underwent careful analysis and extensive review to ensure the most beneficial and clear presentation. Additional steps and definition boxes were added when necessary for greater clarity and precision, graphs and figures were revised as necessary, and discussions and introductions were added or rewritten as needed to improve presentation.

    Enhanced Topic Coverage
    Material on the extreme value property for functions of two variables and finding extreme values on closed, bounded regions has been added to Section 7.3. This completes the analogy with the single-variable case and better prepares students for future study of statistics and finite mathematics.

    Improved Exercise Sets
    Almost 250 new routine and application exercises have been added to the already extensive problem sets. A wealth of new applied problems has been added to help demonstrate the practicality of the material, and existing applications have been updated. Moreover, exercise sets have been rearranged so that applications are grouped in categories (business/economics, life and social sciences, and miscellaneous).

    New Pedagogical Design Elements
    Titles have been added to each example in the text, and learning objectives have been specified at the beginning of each section. Example titles allow both students and instructors to quickly find items of interest to them. These pedagogical improvements make the topics clear and comprehensible for all students, help to organize ideas, and aid both students and professors with review and  valuation.

    Online Matrix Supplement
    The authors have fully revised the matrix supplement. Problems and examples have been revised and updated to include more  contemporary applications. The revised supplement in PDF format is posted online for instructors to download at

    Chapter-by-Chapter Changes
    • Titles have been added to all worked examples throughout the book.
    • A list of learning objectives has been added at the beginning of every section.
    • End-of-section exercises have been grouped according to subject.

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