
Introduction to Chemistry 5/e

作者:Rich Bauer, James Birk, Pamela Marks
原價:NT$ 1,850

參考網頁:Introduction to Chemistry 5/e

內容介紹 目錄

    The fifth edition of Introduction to Chemistry continues to build on the belief that students learn best when the text and our classroom presentations focus on a conceptual approach to chemistry. This book is grounded in educational research findings that address topic sequence, context, conceptual emphasis, and concept embedded numerical problem solving. Throughout the text, content is related to students’ daily lives and shows them how chemistry allows us to understand the phenomena—both simple and complex— that we encounter on a regular basis. This text presents macroscopic chemical phenomena early and uses familiar contexts to develop microscopic explanations.

    Introduction to Chemistry is designed for the freshman-level Introductory Chemistry course that does not have a chemistry prerequisite and is suitable for either a one-semester course or a two-semester sequence. The book targets introductory courses taken by non-physical science majors who may be in allied health, agriculture, or other disciplines those that do not require the rigor of a science major’s General Chemistry course, or for students fulfilling university liberal arts requirements for science credits. In addition, students who lack a strong high school science background often take the course as a preparation for the regular general chemistry sequence.

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