
Macmillan (Intermediate): China

作者:Jennifer Gascoigne
原價:NT$ 150

出版商:Macmillan Publishers


    China is the world’s third biggest country and the country with the largest population. It is a country of many different landscapes: high mountains, deserts, grasslands, big rivers, forests and some of the biggest cities in the world. It is famous for its culture, its food and, of course, its wall – the Great Wall of China.

    Welcome to China, where over 1.35 billion people live, where there are strong artistic and medical traditions going back over 5,000 years, where they have the world's second largest economy and where there are more than 800 different types of tea! China is a unique mix of tradition and history and exciting progress - it is a country with something for everyone.


    • Extra grammar and vocabulary exercises
    • Introduction and Welcome to China
    • Points For Understanding comprehension questions
    • Glossary of difficult vocabulary and Useful Phrases
    • Free resources including worksheets, tests and answer keys at
    • Audio download and ebook available to buy for this title

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