
Macmillan (Pre-Intermediate): The United States of America with CDs/2片

作者:Coleen Degnan-Veness, Chantal Veness
原價:NT$ 230

出版商:Macmillan Publishers


    Millions of visitors go to the USA every year and many people return again and again. This book will take you on a journey from the discovery of the New World over 500 years ago to the present day. From the wild forests to the busy cities, welcome to the United States of America - home of the movie industry, baseball, technology giants, and some of the world's most famous civil rights leaders. 


    • Extra grammar and vocabulary exercises
    • Points for Understanding comprehension questions
    • Glossary of difficult vocabulary and Useful Phrases
    • Available with or without audio CD
    • Available as eBook
    • Available as audio download
    • Free online support materials on dedicated resource site, such as worksheets, tests, answer keys, author pages, projects, as well as the free teachers booklet Using Graded Readers in the Classroom

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