
True Stories 4 with Digital Resources access code inside

作者:Sandra Heyer
原價:NT$ 500

出版商:Pearson Education


    【內容試閱 請點我】
    True Stories 4, Silver Edition, consists of 16 human-interest stories adapted from newspapers and magazines. The universal appeal of these real believe-it-or-not tales ensures a motivates reading experience for students of English. Every unit ends with "Challenge" readings that are written at a slightly higher level than the main stories to prepare students for more authentic readings.

    Features of the Silver Edition
    • New and updated stories maintain the high interest of the series and capture students' imaginations.
    • A colorful new design makes the readings inviting and enhances students' understanding and enjoyment of the stories.
    • A uniform unit structure runs across all six books in the edition, making it easy for students to move seamlessly from one level to the next.
    • Digital Resources include:
      • audio recordings of every reading.
      • answer keys.
      • teaching tips.
      • additional practice activities.

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