
Beyond True Stories: A High-Intermediate Reader (Level 6)

作者:Sandra Heyer
原價:NT$ 300

出版商:Pearson Education

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    Would you believe … ?

    • A woman invests in stocks and makes million -- then donates almost all of it to a university!
    • A Japanese guard helps a prisoner of war survive World War II because of the shared love of an opera aria.
    • The daughter of a grieving widow takes her mother on a vacation cruise -- and both women unexpectedly find romance on board.

    Beyond True Stories, by Sandra Heyer, continues and expands the True Stories tradition with eight thematic units, each based on a real-life, human-interest story. Each unit opens with A True Story in the News, followed by readings and activities that explore the theme in the story. Beyond True Stories is a book students won't want to put down.

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