
Business Partner C1 Coursebook with Digital Resources

作者:Lowonna Dubicka, Marjorie Rosenberg, Margaret O'Keefe, Bob Dignen, Mike Hogan
原價:NT$ 700

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Business Partner

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    【內容試閱 請點我】
    Discover the innovative world of Business Partner, a new eight-Level business English course for learners and professionals who want to communicate effectively in English in the workplace. Partnering with the Financial Times means that this course also offers a wealth of international business information on a wide variety of topics.

    • Personalize your learning experience with a structured modular approach that gives the flexibility to focus on specific needs and learning outcomes.
    • Study real-life business stories provided through authentic videos that draw you in and keep you motivated.
    • Learn about key business topics such as Innovation, Finance and investment, Customer engagement and Managing conflict.
    • Immerse yourself in the integrated video-based Communication skills training programme to develop awareness of communication issues, including pitching ideas, presenting research data, business networking, giving support and guidance and handling a performance review.
    • Get practical training in functional business skills such as engaging presentations, effective meetings and mediating conflict.
    • Work on realistic case studies in the Business workshops.
    • Evaluate your progress step by step against the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for Professional English.
    • Prepare for business English exams.

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