
Aspire Upper Intermediate with MP3 CD/1片

作者:Paul Dummett, Rebecca Robb Benne, Robert Crossley
原價:NT$ 570

出版商:Cengage Learning


    Aspire is an exciting, three-level, upper secondary course packed full of National Geographic content including images and video. With Aspire students will:

    • Discover the world through fascinating content from National Geographic
    • Learn the language and grammar they need to communicate within the classroom and in the real world
    • Engage with the world though real-life Case Study sections which take students beyond the classroom

    Student’s Book
    • Everyday English sections prepare students for the way English is used in the real world
    • Case Study sections encourage students to learn beyond the classroom
    • Communication activities promote a realistic exchange of language
    • Grammar reference section provides a fully comprehensive approach to learning grammar

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