
Time Zones (4) Workbook

作者:Carmella Lieske
原價:NT$ 250

出版商:Cengage Learning


    Time Zones is a motivating four-skills series for teenagers, with a strong international focus. It combines a communicative approach to learning English with stunning National Geographic images, video, and content. The series features educational content covering four exciting areas: people and places, the natural world, history and culture, and science and education.

    With Time Zones, learners will:

    • EXPLORE amazing places and fascinating cultures with National Geographic and our team of young global reporters
    • DISCOVER the exciting worlds of science and technology, nature, history, geography, and popular culture
    • LEARN how to use English to communicate effectively in the real world, by developing both language and critical thinking skills
    • Adapted National Geographic content, video and images give learners an understanding and appreciation of other countries and their cultures.
    • Four cartoon characters - young reporters - appear in each unit, presenting language and factual information in a fun and engaging way.
    • Educational content provides learners with the chance to learn about geography, science, history, animals and nature, as well as developing critical thinking skills.
    • Systematically teaches high frequency vocabulary for this age group, as well as high-interest content words, both useful for learners preparing for standardized exams.

    Each Time Zone Workbook:
    • Reinforces and consolidates lanugage and skills introduced in the Student Book
    • Provides learners with additional practice in vocabulary, communication, grammar, reading, and writing
    • Provides quizzes for "The Real World" section of the Student Book

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