
Time Zones 2/e (4B) Combo Split

作者:David Bohlke, Jennifer Wilkin
原價:NT$ 400

出版商:Cengage Learning
參考網頁:Time Zones 2/e


    Time Zones, Second Edition is a four-skills program designed to teach teenagers how to use English effectively, developing them into successful global citizens. It features: 
    • ​Engaging real-world content that brings National Geographic Explorers and 21st century topics into the classroom.
    • A communicative approach that offers students the opportunity to learn about and critically discuss global issues.
    • National Geographic video in every unit, introducing amazing places, culture, and information from around the world.
    • An all-new Starter level, introducing students to the essential English language skills and vocabulary necessary for true beginners.
    Time Zones Combo Split 4B includes units 7-12 of the Student Book and Workbook for Level 4.

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