
Impact Issues (1) with Self-Study CD/1片 New Edition

作者:Richard R. Day, Joseph Shaules, Junko Yamanaka
原價:NT$ 500

出版商:Pearson Education

內容介紹 作者介紹

    Impact Issues is an exciting series that provides timely themes for discussion.

    Each level features 20 content-based units on a range of topics such as:
    *life goals *ethics *family ties *technology *jobs *business *friendship *the environment *romantic relationships *global communication

    Impact Issues has developed a unique 4-step approcach to building students' confidence in self-expression:

    Step 1: Situation
    • understanding personal stories and important issues
    Step 2: What do you think?
    • recognizing points of view and forming your own ideas
    Step 3: Extending the Topic
    • exchanging personal opinions on related issues
    Step 4: Sharing My Ideas
    • choosing, preparing and rehearsing short presentations

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