
Scholastic Popcorn ELT Readers (1): Madagascar with Audio CD/1片

作者:Nicole Taylor;Adapted by: Fiona Beddall
原價:NT$ 225

參考網頁:Scholastic Popcorn ELT Readers


    In the New York Zoo, Alex, a lion; Marty, a zebra; Melman, a giraffe; and Gloria, a hippo; are best friends. But when Marty escapes in a bid to experience life outside the zoo, his three friends break free to find him. Their travels take them across the ocean en route for Africa, until an accident on board find the animals washed up on the beautiful but bewildering island of Madagascar.

    Starter and Level 1

    Popcorn ELT Readers are the new series of low-level, graded readers from Scholastic. Based on popular films, TV series, and classic children’s literature, Popcorn ELT Readers are targeted at students in the early stages of learning English. They are published at three levels following a carefully graded syllabus.

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