
Headlight (Think 1) Say Goodbye to the Internet? with CD/1片

作者:Byron Brown
原價:NT$ 220


內容介紹 作者介紹

    Editor's Words
    As an editor, I see it as my privilege to offer my basic-level learners tips and advice for improving English. I always encourage my students to be open-minded when it comes to learning English, and make learning English not a chore but a HOBBY.

    As global villagers, we are supposed to build a sound and friendly relationship with others around us. As it is, if you would like to understand someone, say your target language English. it seems like you pay a visit to a new friend. The first thing is give a phone call first. When arriving at his or her house, you have to knock on the door or press the bell. Then courteous greeting will follow up and continue onto your daily conversation, and then on and on afterward. It is the way we often do in our daily lives. However, it takes skills and practice. Therefore our main concern in this book is to help you learn with your partners and then think independently.

    Also, the four articles aim at connecting the noteworthy events or issues with you. More importantly, in the Activity part, we encourage you to express yourselves without shyness by following the logic of speaking. All we hope you to do is not break your necks to do drills, but make yourselves understood through the tips we suggest.

    Reading, along with speaking and writing, is a component of language comprehension. We strongly hope you can fully understand the texts and know very well how to tell your idea(s) more confidently through your teacher's guidance. And it is hoped that we can help put you on your way to becoming confident and skilled in understanding and expressing the wealth of English in class. Above all, learning English can be fun if you want.

    Again, welcome to our fantastic world of English, and have a nice trip!

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