
Macmillan (Upper Intermediate): Rebecca with CDs/3片

作者:Daphne du Maurier
原價:NT$ 260

出版商:Macmillan Publishers


    An outstanding love story that has been sensitively retold.

    The heroine, while employed as a personal companion, meets and falls in love with Maxim de Winter, a rich Englishman whose beautiful wife has recently died under tragic circumstances. To her surprise and joy, Maxim proposes to her. But the shadow of Rebecca, Maxim's first wife still dominates him.


    • Carefully graded levels from Starter to Upper Intermediate
    • Extra exercises and Audio CDs for most titles
    • Audio download and eBook available for selected titles
    • A truly international range of simplified readers with a prestigious list of authors from around the world
    • Free online support materials on dedicated resource site, such as worksheets, tests, answer keys, author pages, projects, as well as the free teachers booklet Using Graded Readers in the Classroom

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