
World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Maps Workbook

作者:National Geographic Learning
原價:NT$ 200

出版商:Cengage Learning
參考網頁:World Windows


    National Geographic
    • World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social Studies, through National Geographic photography and content.
    • Using non-fiction readings, World Windows helps to develop young learners' fluency in English, and ignites their curiosity about the world around them.
    • Carefully leveled content introduces literacy strategies to prepare young learners for future learning success.
    • Each level comes with a CD-ROM which includes audio recordings, songs, games and interactive pages to support literacy work.
    • Four-color workbooks provide additional vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing practice.
    • Printable worksheets and practice tests can be used for classroom assessment

    Key Feature:
    • Wbrld Windows 系列分為3個級數,並分為二大類 Social Study 以及 Science,共有30本。
    • 是一套適合初階學習者(幼稚園中大班 ~ 國小低年級)所設計的特色主題讀本。
    • 運用國家地理頻道的多元主題,建立學生廣泛的知識。
    • 每一讀本皆搭配互動光碟,內容包含主題單字、導讀、歌曲、遊戲等。
    • 豐富資源配件:讀本、作業本、互動光碟。


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