
Boost! Listening (2) Teacher's Edition

作者:Jason Renshaw
原價:NT$ 520

出版商:Pearson Education


    The path to listening success!

    In each unit of Boost! Listening, 

    The Boost! Skills Series is the definative and comprehensive four-level series of skills books for junior EFL learners.

    • Integrated skills approach means each of the skills are brought together at the end of each unit.
    • Age-appropiate and cross-curricular topics develop students' critical thinking and examination techniques.
    • Clear and transparent structure makes teaching and learning easy and fun.
    • Complete teacher support with a Teacher's Edition for each book and a companion website with free downloadable resources.

    A Teacher's Edition is available for every book in every level, which includes:
    • Unit overviews including expanded skill descriptions
    • Reduced student book pages
    • Answer keys
    • Audio scripts
    • Worksheets for every unit

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