
American Grammar Goals (1) Teacher's Edition with Class Audio CD/1片 and Webcode

作者:Susan Sharp
原價:NT$ 700

出版商:Macmillan Publishers
參考網頁:American Grammar Goals

內容介紹 本書特色

    American Grammar Goals 

    Go for Gold!
    Grammar Goals is a new six-level grammar series for children aged 6-12 years. It presents and practises grammar in lively and meaningful age-appropriate contexts that reflect pupils' real lives and interests. Linked to the Cambridge and Trinity external exam syllabuses, Grammar Goals offers regular exam-style practice tasks in the Pupil's Books.

    The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - bronze, silver and gold - helping students reflect on their progress and aim for higher goals.

    The American Grammar Goals Student’s Book Packs include a Student’s Book and a CD-ROM. The Student’s Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice & writing development section and reference material. The American Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities that support the material covered in each unit.

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