
Richmond Practice Tests B1 Preliminary Key Student's Book

作者:Sue Ireland, Joanna Kosta, Susan White
原價:NT$ 600

出版商:Richmond Publishing
參考網頁:Richmond Practice Tests


    These new editions of the popular Richmond Practice Tests at A2 Key and B1 Preliminary levels offer updated practice and information for the form and layout of these revised Cambridge English Qualifications (from 2020). Students will become familiar with and gain essential practice in the language, skills and strategies they need for exam success.

    Both levels are written by experienced examiners to accurately reflect the type of language and questions students will face in their exam. They include complete practice tests and also provide access to the Richmond Learning Platform, where students can download audio and find extra practice activities, information and exam-taking tips and strategies.

    As well as offering thorough exam preparation, they can support any A2 KET or B1 PET level general English course.

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