
Statistics for Management and Economics 12/e

作者:Gerald Keller
原價:NT$ 1,420

出版商:Cengage Learning
參考網頁:Statistics for Management and Economics 12/e

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    Discover how important statistical methods are for today's managers and economists as you learn how to apply these tools to real business problems with Keller's best-selling STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS, 12E. This edition emphasizes applications over calculations. A unique three-step "ICI" approach to problem solving teaches you how to "identify" the correct statistical technique by focusing on the problem objective and data type; "compute" the statistics by hand or using Excel® XLSTAT or STATA®; and, finally, "interpret" the results within the context of the problem. Data-driven examples and more than 30 cases demonstrate how marketing managers, financial analysts, accountants and economists rely on statistical applications. In addition, thousands of exercises and datasets use real data from individuals, sports teams or the stock market to let you practice what you've learned. MindTap digital resources include XLSTAT commercial Excel add-in and additional activities for practice.

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