
Early Writers (1) Student book with Workbook

作者:Liana Robinson
原價:NT$ 550

出版商:Seed Learning
頁數/規格:72頁+18頁/平裝彩色, CEFR Level:A1
參考網頁:Early Writers Series


    【內容試閱 請點我】
    Early Writers is a three-level beginner series designed for elementary school students. The series uses a step-by-step approach to build the writing skills of English language learners in an interesting and fun way. From understanding basic grammar, constructing sentences, and learning how to self-edit, Early Writers guides students through the writing process. Each unit features an original passage with useful vocabulary and helpful sentence patterns which students can use as a model to create their own personal passage. Students who complete this series will develop stronger writing skills and gain confidence in their ability to communicate.

    • Wide range of enjoyable writing topics including school subjects, hobbies, emails, and special occasions
    • Practical exercises and activities allowing students to organize and prepare their own passages
    • Multiple sample passages providing ideas for students to incorporate in their own writing
    • Large variety of graphic organizers to assist students with planning and organization
    • Fundamental writing patterns and sentence structures highlighted in each unit to build students’ language skills
    • Repeated recycling of useful kid-friendly vocabulary
    • Pull-out full-color workbook included

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Writing

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