
Scholastic Reading Track: Sound and Letter (26 Readers)

原價:NT$ 1,600

參考網頁:Scholastic Reading Track


    Scholastic Reading Track offers step-by-step instruction for three literacy cornerstones: sounds and letters, vocabulary, and phonics. With playful text, stunning photographs, and beautiful illustrations, Reading Track fosters an early love for reading while targeting specific literacy skills.

    No. Collection Learning outcome
    1 Sound and Letter High-interest texts build letter recognition and sound-letter relationships with one reader per letter of the alphabet
    2 Phonics 1 Builds early decoding skills which focus on short vowels in easy-to-decode words
    3 Phonics 2 Builds early decoding skills which focus on digraphs, final ‘E’ and long vowel sounds in easy-to-decode words

    No. Collection Contain of
    1 Sound and Letter 26 Readers + 1 Activity Book
    2 Phonics 1 25 Readers + 1 Activity Book
    3 Phonics 2 25 Readers + 1 Activity Book

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Phonics

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