
Earth: Portrait of a Planet 7/e

作者:Stephen Marshak
原價:NT$ 2,050

出版商:W. W. Norton & Co.
參考網頁:Earth: Portrait of a Planet 7/e

內容介紹 目錄

    Earth, Seventh Edition, comes with dynamic, easy-to-use resources for helping you do geology.

    Smartwork offers a wide range of question types for engaging with geologic concepts and processes:

    • NEW "Explore Geology in 3D" questions allow you to directly examine e rock, n mineral, a and other real-world specimens as you would in a lab setting.
    • NEW. "What Can You See?" questions allow you to examine and interpret images of real-world sites as you would on a field trip. These questions often incorporate sketches and other elements of geological fieldwork.
    • Geotours questions use Google Earth to allow you to do hands-on analysis of real-world sites. These questions often incorporate taking measurements, evaluating time-lapses, and engaging with other forms of geologic data.
    • Additional question types include labeling, ranking, sorting, "What a Geologist Sees," and others. Smartwork questions fully integrate the text's signature art and visual media resources, including animations, simulations, narrative art videos, and real-world videos.

    Guided Learning Explorations are carefully scaffolded online activities that have you engage in increasingly applied ways with geology concepts. Each of the 15 topic-based guided Learning Explorations coach you through three levels:
    • Foundational concept questions
    • Applied questions featuring geologic data, video and animation clips, and interactive simulations
    • Exploratory questions that ask you to analyze real-world sites and make predictions using Google Earth flyover videos

    Each level builds on the prior stages to help you achieve a richer understanding of the geologic concepts. Topics cover the essentials of physical geology, including plate tectonics, volcanic hazards, earthquakes, groundwater, and more.

    Smartwork and the Guided Learning Explorations are included at no extra cost with every new copy of the textbook, in print or ebook format.

    理工 > 物理 > 地球科學

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