
Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test (2) with MP3 CDs/2片 (絕)

作者:Jessica Beck

出版商:Cengage Learning


    • Eight test strategies are presented, with explanation, examples, practice exercises, and test practice.
    • Five vocabulary skill sets are presented, with explanation, examples, practice exercises, and test practice.
    • Four grammar skill sets are presented, with explanation, examples, practice exercises, and test practice.
    • All strategies and skill sets are directly connected to the TOEIC® test.
    • Two complete TOEIC® Practice Tests.
    Each part contains the following components:
    • Explanation and examples of one part of the TOEIC® test.
    • Explanation and examples of a strategy, as it connects to the TOEIC® test
    • Set I of strategy practice exercises which guide the student in discovering and exploring the strategy.
    • Set II of strategy practice exercises which allow the student to utilize the strategy, ensuring comprehension.
    • TOEIC® test practice which focuses on the strategy just learned.
    • Explanation and examples of a skill, either grammar or vocabulary, as it connects to the TOEIC® test.
    • Set I of skill practice exercises which guide the student in discovering and exploring the language point.
    • Set II of skill practice exercises which allow the student to utilize the new language point, ensuring comprehension.
    • TOEIC® test practice which focuses on the skill just learned.
    • Review exercises which bring together the strategy and skill.
    • Suggestions for further practice of strategy and skill, using authentic English-language media materials.
    Student Book, Audio CD, Test Bank(Four Mini-Practice Tests)


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