
Literature for English (Intermediate two)

作者:Burton Goodman
原價:NT$ 450



    Literature for English is a literature-based program designed to help readers improve their basic English skills. Each book in the series contains engaging stories by famous writers. The language level is controlled so that the stories can be easily understood by students with limited English skills. Selections in the Beginning and Intermediate level books are divided into a number of short, illustrated sections. Many of the chapters in the Advanced level books contain theme-related stories and poems. Varied exercises check reading comprehension, vocabulary, and idioms. Improved reading skills, sentence structure, and grammar are promoted through the exercises. The program's attractive format, engaging content, and positive approach will encourage readers to enjoy literature and to improve their English.

    Literature for English offers a wide variety of directed writing activities and features a strong literary component that introduces students to story elements such as plot, character and theme. Teacher's Guides, audiocassettes, and CDs accompany each book in the series.

    ELT > ELT > Reading

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