
Stopwatch (6) Student's Book and Workbook with CD/1片

作者:Viviane Kirmeliene
原價:NT$ 550

出版商:Richmond Publishing

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    【內容試閱 請點我】
    Stopwatch is a fast-paced, eye-catching course for secondary students, from true beginners to B1. Our unique, six-level structure allows schools to fine-tune their selections according to the specific needs and abilities of their students. Relevant topics and impactful images will keep students engaged and learning, while the carefully designed curriculum ensures that they can advance and succeed.

    Each unit offers a grammar and vocabulary focus with separate sections for skills development, cultural knowledge and projects that can be done using digital or traditional media. The integrated workbook, together with the grammar, vocabulary and reading worksheets, provide ample opportunity for practice. A Stopwatch chronometer app keeps time for game based challenges in the book and offers fun vocabulary practice. A grammar reference at the back of every book consolidateds learning and allows for better exam review.

    With Stopwatch, students will:
    • Engage with authentic, down-to-earth topics.
    • Develop visual literacy skills through icons and high-impact photos.
    • Enhance their critical thinking skills by answering relevant, thought-provoking questions.
    • Develop an awareness of cultural diversity in the global community.
    • Be motivated by timed activities and challenges.
    • Enjoy hands-on projects and practice in print and digital formats.

    ELT > ELT > Course Books

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