
Macroeconomics 4/e

作者:Charles I. Jones
原價:NT$ 1,400

出版商:W. W. Norton & Co.

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    Modern macroeconomics made approachable by the expert on growth.

    Combining innovative treatment of macroeconomic concepts with the clearest presentation of long-run growth theory, Jones offers students an accessible and truly modern introduction to the field. The Fourth Edition features:
    • A uniquely accessible introduction to modern growth theory. In Chapters 5 and 6, Jones combines the Solow Model with complete coverage of the Romer Model to provide an accurate explanation of how growth really works.
    • A new case study that bridges the IS-MP and IS-LM models makes it easier to teach short-run growth. Innovative coverage of the short run aids the transition to the modern IS-MP model from the traditional IS-LM model.
    • 90+ thoroughly updated charts and tables. All figures and references have been completely updated with NEW data.
    • Important updates on the aftermath of the Great Recession. New material includes the effects of QE2 and QE3, discussions on the inclusion of intellectual property in the National Income accounts, and a case study on the zero lower bound.
    • Expanded worked exercises using FRED data. A new exercise in every chapter requires students to obtain and use up-to-date data from the Federal Reserve's FRED database or occasionally from other data sources.

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