
Understanding Careers 2/e

作者:Kerr Inkson, Nicky Dries, John Arnold
原價:NT$ 1,450

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Understanding Careers 2/e

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    In the hotly anticipated second edition of Understanding Careers, Kerr Inkson has teamed up with Nicky Dries and John Arnold to take readers on a fascinating journey through the field of Career Studies.

    • Interdisciplinary – the text brings together and critiques a range of perspectives, allowing for a broader and more holistic understanding of the field.
    • Theory and practice – comprehensive coverage of all the key theories and cutting edge research is related to the real world through over 50 cases studies. A new ‘Careers in Practice’ section contains chapters devoted to self-development, career counselling, and organizational practices.
    • International perspective – contains examples, cases, research, references and statistics from a range of countries.
    • Use of metaphor – the text is structured around commonly used metaphors for careers, helping students relate to the ideas presented and providing a framework for analysis and comparison.

    Ideal reading for students considering their own career and personal development, as well as those studying career development, career guidance or human resource management within a psychology, education, counselling or business degree.

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