
Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering 2/e (H)

作者:Tom D. Reynolds, Paul Richards
原價:NT$ 1,680

出版商:Cengage Learning
參考網頁:Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering 2/e

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    The text is written for both Civil and Environmental Engineering students enrolled in Wastewater Engineering courses, and for Chemical Engineering students enrolled in Unit Processes or Transport Phenomena courses.  It is oriented toward engineering design based on fundamentals.  The presentation allows the instructor to select chapters or parts of chapters in any sequence desired.

    The second edition of this best-selling book provides thorough, updated coverage of unit operations in water/wastewater treatment. Chapters 1 through 5 now provide a strong background in chemical and biological concepts, reactor fundamentals, and other key processes. Subsequent chapters present a practical approach to the design of water and wastewater treatment plants, carefully explaining new technologies that affect the design of such facilities. New problems and worked examples have been developed to give readers a greater practical understanding of unit operations.

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