
Cambridge English Qualifications Richmond Practice Tests for A1 Movers

原價:NT$ 480

出版商:Richmond Publishing
參考網頁:Free resources


    The Richmond Practice Tests are a complete series of tests written by Cambridge exam writers for the Cambridge English Qualifications.

    The brand new Richmond Practice Tests for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers offer a friendly and accessible way to familiarize children with the style and format of Cambridge English Qualifications for young learners. Each book is beautifully illustrated in full color and includes three complete practice tests.

    The series is also accompanied by downloadable Teacher’s Resources, including audio files and transcripts, answer keys, mark schemes and useful information about the tests.

    Key Features
    The Richmond Practice Tests for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers offer:
    • Three complete sets of tests for the updated Cambridge exam (from 2018): Listening, Reading and Writing, and Speaking tests
    • Free downloadable audio.
    • Simple, colorful design and engaging material.
    • Easy-to-understand information about the test
    • Free downloadable Teacher’s Resources

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Tests > YLE

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