
Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practice 3/e

作者:H. Douglas Brown, Priyanvada Abeywickrama
原價:NT$ 680

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practice 3/e

內容介紹 目錄

    Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices is designed to offer a comprehensive survey of essential principles and tools for second language assessment. Its first and second editions have been successfully used in teacher-training courses, teacher certification curricula, and TESOL master of arts programs. As the third in a trilogy of teacher education textbooks, it is designed to follow H. Douglas Brown’s other two books, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching and Teaching by Principles.

    Language Assessment features uncomplicated prose and a systematic, spiraling organisation. Concepts are introduced with practical examples, understandable explanations, and succinct references to supportive research. The research literature on language assessment can be quite complex and assume that readers have technical knowledge and experience in testing. By the end of Language Assessment, however, readers will have gained access to this not-so-frightening field. They will have a working knowledge of a number of useful, fundamental principles of assessment and will have applied those principles to practical classroom contexts. They will also have acquired a storehouse of useful tools for evaluating and designing practical, effective assessment techniques for their classrooms.


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