
Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science 4/e

作者:Mackenzie Davis, Susan Masten
原價:NT$ 1,200

參考網頁:Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science 4/e

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science is designed as a traditional, introductory e for engineering students. This text provides a background in fundamental so engineering principles of environmental engineering for students who may or may not become environmental engineers.

    The emphasis of this text is on principles, ethics , and safety that guide decision making in environmental engineering. The text exposes students to a broad range of environmental topics-including risk management, water quality and treatment, air pollution, hazardous waste, solid waste, and ionizing radiation as well as discussion of relevant regulations and practices.

    The concept of mass and energy balance extends throughout the text as a tool for understanding environmental processes and solving environmental engineering problems. Students are provided with a vast number of example problems and study questions to enhance understanding of the content.

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