
ARM System-on-Chip Architecture 2/e

作者:Steve Furber
原價:NT$ 1,250

出版商:Pearson Education

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    ARM System-on-Chip Architecture presents and discusses the major issues of system-on-chip design, including memory hierarchy, caches, memory management, on-chip buses, on-chip debug and production tests. It provides an overview of the ARM processor family, enabling the reader to decide which ARM is best for the job in hand, describes the ARM and Thumb programming models enabling the designer to begin to develop applications. It also covers all the latest ARM products and developments, including StrongARM, the ARM9 and ARM10 series of cores, and the ARM-based SoC components at the heart of Ericsson's Bluetooth technology, the Psion Series 5 PDA and Samsung's SGH2400 GSM handset. It includes details on the AMULET asynchronous ARM cores and the AMULET3H asynchronous SoC subsystem. ARM System-on-Chip Architecture is an essential handbook for system-on-chip designers using ARM processor cores and engineers working with the ARM.

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