
Investments: An Introduction 13/e

作者:Herbert B. Mayo
原價:NT$ 1,500

出版商:Cengage Learning
參考網頁:Investments: An Introduction 13/e

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    Introduce your students to today's most important investment topics from the perspective of an individual financial planner with Mayo's INVESTMENTS: AN INTRODUCTION, 13E. This edition uses an inviting approach to present the process of investing and the many alternatives available for constructing a strong investment portfolio. Through this process, students learn how to manage their own assets as active portfolio managers as well as how to let others manage their portfolios as informed, but passive, investors. This comprehensive approach to investments takes students from mastering the fundamentals for the investing section of the CFP® exam through more advanced topics. The latest updates highlight changes in taxation and investment planning prompted by the 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Students also examine how the 2008 financial crisis is still impacting volatility in investments today.

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