Easy Listening (Pre-Intermediate) with MP3 CD/1片

Easy Listening (Pre-Intermediate) with MP3 CD/1片

售價 $ 550
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9789814455671
  • 作者:Treva Adams, Barbara H. Foley
  • 版次:1
  • 年份:2013
  • 出版商:Cengage Learning
  • 頁數/規格:136頁/平裝彩色
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
Easy Listening TW Series 

Easy Listening Pre-Intermediate is a listening, pronunciation, and speaking text for high-beginning and low-intermediate students of ESL. It develops listening skills using high-interest narratives and informal conversations through an easy-to-use, thematic approach. The text is a colorful, graphics-filled learning experience involving situations that students can easily relate to their own lives. Students will be engaged from the moment their eyes hit the page, and the graphics will help reinforce their learning through visually exciting interactive activities. Both the text and the accompanying audio program may be used with college-level students, adult programs, and high school classes. The materials are also highly effective in a language laboratory setting.

Easy Listening Pre-Intermediate is a complete and fully integrated program for students and teachers alike. Complementing the student text is an audio program containing all of the listening passages and follow-up activities. This program is an invaluable tool for any learner who wants to become a skilled and confident English listener and speaker in today's fast-paced world.

  • Each of the 15 thematic units in Easy Listening Pre-Intermediate includes seven sections. They are designed to introduce the context of the main listening activity and present listening exercises and related conversations. Two sections focus on individual grammar and pronunciation features in the unit. Finally, students are given an opportunity to discuss the contents of the unit in groups and apply what they've learned in a realistic scenario.
  • Grammar notes and exercises strengthen students' skills and reinforce lessons through easily digestible bites.
  • Pronunciation notes help students better understand native spoken English and make their own English more natural and fluid.
  • Group speaking activities encourage students to think more deeply about the topic, draw on their own experiences, and put the skills they've learned to use in natural conversations.
  • A warm-up helps students relate the unit's topic to their own lives.
  • Two real-life scenarios with a wide range of listening comprehension and listening discrimination exercises foster multidimensional listening strategies.
  • Listening notes highlight listening tips that students can remember easily and apply in their own listening situations.
  • Vocabulary exercises add to students' growing lexicons and give students practice with key words.
Table of Contents
1 Do You Like Your Job?
2 Natural Disasters
3 What Do You Know about Obesity?
4 A Nation on the Move
5 Starting Your Own Business
6 The Job Outlook
7 Travel Emergencies
8 What Would You Do If You Won the Lottery?
9 How Much Do You Use Your Cell Phone?
10 Car Trouble
11 Work Policies
12 When Did It Happen?
13 Do You Dream?
14 Do You Have a Credit Card?
15 Can I Recycle It?
Vocabulary List
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