Market Leader 3/e Extra (Upper-Intermediate) Course Book Premium digital edition with eBook and MyEnglishLab and DVD-ROM/1片
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9781292361147
- 作者:David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent
- 版次:3
- 年份:2021
- 出版商:Pearson Education
- 頁數/規格:176頁/平裝彩色
- 參考網頁:Market Leader 3/e
DescriptionMarket Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as the Financial Times.
The 3rd Edition Course Book includes:
- All new reading texts from the Financial Times
- All new case studies with opinions on DVD-ROM from sucessful consultants who work in the real world of business
- All new listening texts reflecting the global nature of business, with interviews that can be viewed on the DVD-ROM
- New "Working Across Cultures" spreads
- FREE Market Leader Essential Business grammar and usage now included in the online resources
The Premium digital edition includes:
- QR code for direct access to audio, video, and all the coursebook resources
- coursebook ebook access
- MyEnglishLab-Online learning tool with personalised practice-Automatic gradebook and assessment