Nester\'s Microbiology: A Human Perspective 8/e

Nester's Microbiology: A Human Perspective 8/e

售價 $ 1,200
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9781259252020
  • 作者:Denise Anderson, Sarah Salm, Deborah Allen, Eugen W. Nester
  • 版次:8
  • 年份:2016
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
  • 頁數/規格:896頁/平裝彩色
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄 作者介紹
Perfect for the non-major/allied health student (and also appropriate for mixed majors courses), this text provides a rock solid foundation in microbiology. By carefully and clearly explaining the fundamental concepts and offering vivid and appealing instructional art,Microbiology: A Human Perspective draws students back to their book again and again!

The text has a concise and readable style, covers the most current concepts, and gives students the knowledge and mastery necessary to understand advances of the future. A body systems approach is used in the coverage of diseases.
New Features
  • HIV Disease and Complications and Immunodeficiency (former Chapter 28) material has been incorporated into appropriate chapters throughout the text. This allows the material to be discussed when more applicable.
  • Connect Question Bank – more images have been incorporated into questions found in Connect Question Bank.
  • Instructors manual include an Overview, Learning Outcomes, and answer keys will be provided.

Key Features
  • Text is readable and accessible for students - easier to comprehend yet still maintains an appropriately rigorous level of science. For example, general vocabulary and reading level are simplified so that students can focus on learning about microbiology and the complex scientific terminology that is required.
  • Art is vibrant, 3-dimensional, and instructional. Colors and shapes have consistency throughout and make all art more engaging and useful (for students and instructors). The art program is a great learning tool for students!
  • Learning outcomes begin each major section. They are numbered to tightly correlate to digital course material. Instructors will be able to successfully measure student learning as it relates specifically to the learning outcomes.
  • ConnectPlus Microbiology for Nester's 8e allows instructors and students to use art and animations from the text for assignments and lectures. Instructors now have access to a variety of new resources including assignable and gradable case study activities, LearnSmart, animation learning modules and more. The media rich eBook allows students to do full text searches, add notes and highlights, and access their instructor's shared notes and highlights.
  • Figure Questions offer another assessment opportunity for students. Most figures have critical thinking questions associated with them.
  • All major diseases are represented with a summary table that includes an outline of pathogenesis keyed to a human figure showing the entry and exit of the pathogen.
  • Each of the disease chapters ends with a Diseases in Review summary table that pulls together key information for students. This gives them one place to find the diseases, their causative agents, any critical information and reference to the page where the disease's summary table is found.
  • MicroBytes are found throughout the chapters. These are small bytes of interesting information to engage students.
  • Perspective boxes introduce a “human” perspective by showing how microorganisms and their products influence our lives in a myriad of different ways.
  • Many chapters end with a pending challenge (Future Challenges) facing microbiologists and future microbiologists.
  • Over 100 animations have been developed on key microbiological processes for instructors and students. Students can now quiz themselves over each animation, receive automatic feedback on correct/incorrect answers, and then submit their answers to their instructors for grading. A special icon helps correlate over 100 total animations to the figures in the text. These animations are also available as downloadable content for portable players!
  • There is incomparable treatment of diseases. Each Disease is presented systematically and predictably. Individual sections describe the disease’s symptoms, causative agents, pathogenesis, epidemiology, and prevention and treatment.
  • Chapters are organized to prepare students for great foundation. They include Key Terms, Learning Outcomes, and MicroAssessments that summarize the major concepts in that section and offer both review questions and critical thinking questions.
  • Each chapter opens with a Glimpse of History which is an engaging story about the men and women who pioneered the field of microbiology.
  • Figures Unique to Nester! This edition contains figures addressing fundamental concepts that no other book has!
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Humans and the Microbial World
Chapter 2: The Molecules of Life
Chapter 3: Microscopy and Cell Structure
Chapter 4: Dynamics of Microbial Growth
Chapter 5: Control of Microbial Growth
Chapter 6: Microbial Metabolism: Fueling Cell Growth
Chapter 7: The Blueprint of Life, from DNA to Protein
Chapter 8: Bacterial Genetics
Chapter 9: Biotechnology and Recombinant DNA
Chapter 10: Identifying and Classifying Microorganisms
Chapter 11: The Diversity of Bacteria and Archaea
Chapter 12: The Eukaryotic Members of the Microbial World
Chapter 13: Viruses, Viroids and Prions
Chapter 14: The Innate Immune Response
Chapter 15: The Adaptive Immune Response
Chapter 16: Host-Microbe Interactions
Chapter 17: Immunologic Disorders
Chapter 18: Applications of Immune Responses
Chapter 19: Epidemiology
Chapter 20: Antimicrobial Medications
Chapter 21: Respiratory System Infections
Chapter 22: Skin Infections
Chapter 23: Wound Infections
Chapter 24: Digestive System Infections
Chapter 25: Blood and Lymphatic Infections
Chapter 26: Nervous System Infections
Chapter 27: Genitourinary Tract Infections
Chapter 28: Microbial Ecology
Chapter 29: Environmental Microbiology: Treatment of Water, Wastes, and Polluted Habitats
Chapter 30: Food Microbiology
Denise G. Anderson University of Washington
Sarah N. Salm Borough of Manhattan Community College
Deborah P. Allen Jefferson College
Eugene W. Nester University of Washington
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