
Richmond Readers (3) The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories with Audio CD/1片

作者:Oscar Wilde
原價:NT$ 250

出版商:Richmond Publishing
參考網頁:Richmond Readers


    Three of Oscar Wilde's most popular short stories

    The Canterville Ghost
    'You'll be sorry you bought the house,' people told Mr Hiram B Otis. 'Everyone knows that a ghost lives there.' But the Otises are a modern American family and they don't believe in ghosts.

    The Model Millionaire
    Hughie Erskine has every talent except one. He can't earn money. And without money, he can't marry Laura Merton. But good luck can come from the strangest people.

    The Sphinx Without a Secret
    Why does Lady Alroy behave so mysteriously? As Lord Gerald Murchison falls madly in love with her, he is concerned about her strange behaviour. Will he discover her secret?

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