
Collins Fascinating Facts - Earthquakes And Volcanoes

作者:HarperCollins Publishers
原價:NT$ 250

出版商:HarperCollins Publishers
參考網頁:HarperCollins Publishers


    Hundreds of Fascinating Facts About Earthquakes and Volcanoes

    The last supervolcano erupted 74000 years ago.

    We do not know when or where the next eruption will be. It might not be for another million years, or it could be much sooner, Discover hundreds of fascinating facts about the world's volcanoes and earthquakes.

    • 90 per cent of the world's earthquakes take place along the horseshoe - shaped "Ring of Fire"that circles the Pacific Ocean.
    • The volcanic island of Stromboli in Italy has been erupting continuously for over 2000 years.
    • Hundreds of small earthquakes that are too small for us to feel happen every day across the world.

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