
Stand Out 3/e (1): Evidence-Based Learning for College and Career Readiness

作者:Rob Jenkins, Staci Johnson
原價:NT$ 500

出版商:Cengage Learning
參考網頁:Stand Out 3/e


    Stand Out is a six-level, standards-based ESL series for adult education, with a proven track record of successful results. The new edition of Stand Out, continues to provide students with the foundations and tools needed to achieve success in life, college, and career. Stand Out now integrates high-interest, real-world content from National Geographic which enhances its proven approach to lesson planning and instruction.
    • NEW Reading Challenge integrates Stand Out's strong emphasis on skill development throughout the book. Readings featuring National Geographic explorers consolidate language and ignite curiosity.
    • Updated Video Program includes National Geographic footage to introduce learners to real-world themes in addition to short dramatic episodes that reinforce the themes and vocabulary in each unit.
    • Expanded Critical Thinking Activities challenge learners to evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information that helps prepare them for the workplace and academic life.
    • NEW Online Workbooks provide reinforcement and consolidation of key language through automatically graded exercises, and can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
    • Extensive Teacher Support includes activities to support multi-level classrooms and helps teachers to prepare students for success.
    • Student Books integrate language development, life skills, and real world project activities in an exciting, colorful, easy-to-use format.

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