
Principles of Mathematical Analysis 3/e 2023 Edition

作者:Walter Rudin
原價:NT$ 800


內容介紹 目錄

    This book is intended to serve as a text for the course in analysis that is usually taken by advanced undergraduates or by first-year students who study mathematics.

    NEW to This Edition
    • The material on functions of several variables in Chapter 9 is significantly rewritten, with many details filled in, and with more examples and more motivation. The proof of the inverse function theorem is simplified by means of the fixed point theorem about contraction mappings. Differential forms are discussed in much greater detail. Several applications of Stokes' theorem are included.
    • The Riemann-Stieltjes integral in Chapter 6 has been trimmed a bit.
    • A short do-it-yourself section on the gamma function has been added to Chapter 8.
    • There is a large number of new exercises throughout the book, most of them with fairly detailed hints.
    • Several references to articles appearing in the American Mathematical Monthly and in Mathematics Magazine are included for students to develop the habit of looking into the journal literature.

    理工 > 數學/微積分 > 微積分

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