
World History Readers (6) Communication Technology with Audio CD/1片

作者:Rob Waring
原價:NT$ 260

出版商:Seed Learning
參考網頁:World History Readers


    Seed Learning's World History Readers is a six-level non-fiction series specifically designed to prepare young learners for future study of academic material in English. The books include exciting and informative accounts of historical people and events.

    • Provide informative and engaging accounts of historical figures and events
    • Allow learners to develop their reading fluency through extensive reading practice
    • Present strictly controlled vocabulary over the graded levels of the series
    • Include comprehension questions in each reader to encourage learner accountability
    • Explain subject-specific terms related to the readers' topic

    6-2 Communication Technology
    • What types of communication do people use?
    • How has communication changed with technology?
    • How might communication changed in the future?
    In Communication Technology, students will find the answers to these questions and much more. Students will read about how communication has changed throughout history.

    Word Count 1326 words


    The series includes 60 books at 6 levels of difficulty ranging from 800 to 2500 headwords and has been developed specifically for younger learners and early teens.

    ELT > ELT > Readers

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