Reading for Pleasure 2

Reading for Pleasure 2

售價 $ 310
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9789869196666
  • 作者:Benjamin Johnson
  • 版次:1
  • 年份:2017
  • 出版商:New Moon Education
  • 頁數/規格:102頁/平裝彩色


Reading for Pleasure provides a variety of topics and a wide range of useful reading skills to help learners improve their reading proficiency. Each book provides exciting updated videos, authentic stories, selected to ensure that learners can access and enjoy using the updated information. The texts reflect real English usage in various domains – movie topics, social issues, travel information, etc. The book can be used to study in the classroom or alone.

Each book features
Compelling perspective related to the content area including animals, business, celebrities, cities, correspondence, food, human behavior, movies, nature and travel. Key reading skills, including main idea, cause & effect, fact, detail, vocabulary, reference, and inference.

  • Student Book
  • Teacher’s Manual
  • Test Bank
  • Presentation Tool
  • Audio Files

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