Microbiology Fundamentals A Clinical Approach 2/e

Microbiology Fundamentals A Clinical Approach 2/e

售價 $ 1,120
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9781259252334
  • 作者:Marjorie Kelly Cowan, Jennifer Bunn
  • 版次:2
  • 年份:2015
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
  • 頁數/規格:720頁/平裝彩色
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
Cowan’s Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach is The Perfect Fit to align with your course. Here's why:
  • The author team includes a practicing nurse to help students see how the content fits in their lives and relates to their future career on every page.
  • A briefer text means all core concepts are covered, but streamlined to better fit the length of your course.
  • A more modern, visual text and digital learning package fits with today’s students and the way they learn. Users who purchase Connect Plus receive access to the full online ebook version of the textbook.
  • NCLEX Style Questions - These questions found throughout each chapter are application oriented and written in the form of NCLEX questions. They are designed to help students learn the microbiology information they will eventually need to pass the NCLEX. Students will begin learning to think critically, apply information, and over time, prep themselves for the NCLEX. In addition, we offer NCLEX Prep and Nursing Career Prep questions through McGraw-Hill Connect™ for you to assign.
  • Medical Moment - Gives students an opportunity to go deeper into the clinical application of the concepts. Written by a practicing RN, students will easily see how the chapter material relates to their future career.
  • An Inside the Clinic reading in every chapter emphasizes the nursing aspect of microbiology!
  • Visually appealing layouts and vivid art closely linked to the narrative complement the way 21st century students learn - engaging students in the content, while carefully constructed figures help them work through difficult concepts. Whenever possible, figures are shown in context to help student relate the figure content to real life situations. In addition, the most important points explaining a concept are distilled into table format and paired with explanatory art.
  • Streamlined Contents, Solid Coverage of all Core Concepts: This book has been written to truly fit a one-semester course in allied health microbiology. It makes it clear to students what the important concepts are, with enough detail to make it meaningful, and to help students retain the information for the long term.
  • ConnectPlus Microbiology for Cowan allows instructors and students to use art and animations from the text for assignments and lectures. Instructors now have access to a variety of resources including assignable and gradable case study activities, concept mapping tools, LearnSmart, animation learning modules and more. The media rich eBook allows students to do full text searches, add notes and highlights, and access their instructor's shared notes and highlights.
  • More clinical content than any other microbiology book helps students see how the material relates to their lives and future careers! This textbook features a clinical advisor, Jennifer Bunn, R.N., who carefully reviewed the entire manuscript and authored the clinical features described below.

Each chapter opens with a case by a former microbiology student designed to:
  • Introduce relevance of the chapter
  • Help students tie chapter content to their future career
  • Promote understanding of content as it relates to real-world situations
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to Microbes and Their Building Blocks
2 Tools of the Laboratory: Methods for the Culturing and Microscopic Analysis of Microorganisms
3 Bacteria and Archaea
4 Eukaryotic Cells and Microorganisms
5 Viral Structure and Life Cycles
6 Microbial Nutrition and Growth
7 Microbial Metabolism
8 Microbial Genetics and Genetic Engineering
9 Physical and Chemical Control of Microbes
10 Antimicrobial Treatment
11 Interactions Between Microbes and Humans
12 Host Defenses I: Overview and Nonspecific Defenses
13 Host Defenses II: Specific Immunity and Immunization
14 Disorders in Immunity
15 Diagnosing Infections
16 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Skin and Eyes
17 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Nervous System
18 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems
19 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Respiratory Systems
20 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Gastrointestinal Tract
21 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Genitourinary System
22 One Health: The Interconnected Health of the Environment, Humans, and Other Animals
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