Sociology: A Brief Introduction 2024 Release
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9781266826177
- 作者:Richard T. Schaefer
- 版次:2024 Release
- 年份:2024
- 出版商:McGraw-Hill
- 頁數/規格:476頁/平裝彩色
Inclusive Content Highlights Within the Chapters
Chapter 1: Understanding Sociology
- New chapter-opening excerpt exploring the lives of low-wage workers in the affluent Napa Valley
- New analysis of the 2020 election from the perspective of queer theory
- New analysis of sociological approaches to hunger on campus, with photo
Chapter 2: Sociological Research
- New photo to illustrate Native American culture
- Updated maps illustrate the correlation between education level and household income in the United States
- New examples of content analysis about diversity in casting and women's participation in sports, with photo
Chapter 3: Culture
- New cross-cultural discussion of balance in news media
- New discussion of the Navajo language to illustrate language as the basis of culture
- New Think About It question on cross-cultural differences in values
- In Social Policy section, updated discussion of language of Native Alaskan people, with photo
Chapter 4: Socialization and the Life Course
- Updated and expanded discussion of young people's media usage
- New photo to illustrate celebration of a quinceañera
- Updated coverage of the lives of older adults, including use of dating websites and continued work
- In the Social Policy section, updated discussion of the effects of Covid on child care, including new salary data and information about government subsidies
Chapter 5: Social Interaction, Groups, and Social Structure
- New chapter-opening photo of women's varsity soccer team
- New photo of traditional Japanese wedding ceremony Expanded discussion of disability as a master status Updated discussion of role strain during the Covid pandemic
- New Thinking Critically question about the effects of Covid on social institutions
Chapter 6: Mass Media and Social Media
- Updated coverage of presence of LGBTQ characters in top-grossing movies
- New section on the queer perspective on the media
- New photo to illustrate cultural invasion through streaming
- Updated and expanded discussion of the use and limitations of social media by refugees in Box 6-3, Our Wired World: Apps for Global Refugees, with new photo from Ukraine war and new Let's Discuss question
Chapter 7: Deviance, Crime, and Social Control
- New chapter-opening excerpt about recent changes in inner-city policing
- New Box 7-1. Research Today: The Female Factory, about a historic form of social control over women
Chapter 8: Stratification and Social Mobility in the United States
- New cartoon to illustrate social inequality
- New Box 8-2, Research Today: The Stockton Income Experiment, about an experimental program to reduce income inequality
- Updated and expanded discussion of income distribution and wealth inequality in the United States
- Discussion of untruth of common stereotypes about people living below the poverty line
Chapter 9: Global Inequality
- New chapter opening photo illustrating contrast between rich and poor neighborhoods in Mumbai
- New discussion of unpredictable changes in the divisions between core and peripheral nations
- New photo of workers performing low-wage production jobs
- Extensive updates to Box 9.2, Sociology in the Global Community: Social Stratification in Japan, with new photo
- Discussion of recent cross-cultural studies of intergenerational mobility
- Updated discussion of women's economic advancement in various cultures
Chapter 10: Racial and Ethnic Inequality
- New chapter-opening excerpt about the life of civil rights activist and Congressman John Lewis
- New Figure 10-2, Multiracial Population by State, with Think About It question
- In Box 10-2, Research Today: Avoiding Interracial Relationships Online, discussion of new research studies about online data
- Updated Box 10-3, Research Today: Is There a Model Minority? to include impact of 2023 Supreme Court decision on race-conscious college admissions
- Updated statistics on anti-Semitic incidents in the United States
- In the Social Policy section, updated information about U.S. immigration policy; new Taking the Issue with You question
Chapter 11: Stratification by Gender and Sexuality
- Updated and expanded discussion of gender identity
- Updated and expanded discussion of transgender rights
- Box 11-2, Sociology in the Global Community: Gender Inequality in Japan, expanded and updated
- New Table 11-4, Women as a Percentage of All Workers in Selected Occupations, 1950-2022
- New Figure 11-2, Representation in Corporations by Gender and Race
- Social Policy section on workplace sexual harassment updated with enhanced discussion of recent developments
Chapter 12: The Family and Household Diversity
- In Box 12-1, Our Wired World: Love Is in the Air, expanded discussion of LGBTQ concerns
- Updates to Box 12-4, Challenges to LGBTQ Adoption, to reflect political developments
- Updated discussion of lifestyle choices of people who remain single
- New Figure 12-5, Weeks of Paid Parental Leave
Chapter 13: Education and Religion
- New chapter-opening excerpt from Inequality in the Promised Land: Race, Resources, and Suburban Schooling
- Updated discussion of racial isolation in public schools
- New coverage of support groups for LGBTQ teens
- Updated coverage of women as spiritual leaders
- Updated and expanded coverage of religion in public schools
Chapter 14: Government and the Economy
- Greatly expanded and updated coverage in Box 14-4, Research Today: Affirmative Action, including impact of 2023 Supreme Court decision on race-conscious college admissions
Chapter 15: Health, Population, and the Environment
- Updated discussion of established medicine's treatment of members of the LGBTQ community
- New photo of Flint, Michigan, residents to illustrate environmental justice
- New Social Policy section, Seeking Shelter Worldwide, including Figure 15-8, Estimates of Homeless Population by State
- New Key Term treatment of Gentrification and NIMBY
Chapter 16: Social Change in the Global Community
- New coverage of nationwide #BlackLivesMatter protests of summer 2020 to illustrate social movements
Table of Contents
1 Understanding Sociology
2 Sociological Research
3 Culture
4 Socialization and the Life Course
5 Social Interaction, Groups, and Social Structure
6 Mass Media and Social Media
7 Deviance, Crime,and Social Control
8 Stratification and Social Mobility in the United States
9 Global Inequality
10 Racial and Ethnic Inequality
11 Stratification by Gender and Sexuality
12 The Family and Household Diversity
13 Education and Religion
14 Government and the Economy
15 Health, Population, and the Environment
16 Social Change in the Global Community
1 Understanding Sociology
2 Sociological Research
3 Culture
4 Socialization and the Life Course
5 Social Interaction, Groups, and Social Structure
6 Mass Media and Social Media
7 Deviance, Crime,and Social Control
8 Stratification and Social Mobility in the United States
9 Global Inequality
10 Racial and Ethnic Inequality
11 Stratification by Gender and Sexuality
12 The Family and Household Diversity
13 Education and Religion
14 Government and the Economy
15 Health, Population, and the Environment
16 Social Change in the Global Community
Richard T. Schaefer, DePaul University