Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principles 4/e (與 9780071089029 封面不同內容相同)

Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principles 4/e (與 9780071089029 封面不同內容相同)

售價 $ 1,550
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9781266064012
  • 作者:Donald A. Neamen
  • 版次:4
  • 年份:2012
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
  • 頁數/規格:782頁/平裝雙色
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄 作者介紹
With its strong pedagogy, superior readability, and thorough examination of the physics of semiconductor material, Semiconductor Physics and Devices provides a basis for understanding the characteristics, operation, and limitations of semiconductor devices. 

Neamen's Semiconductor Physics and Devices deals with the electrical properties and characteristics of semiconductor materials and devices. The goal of this book is to bring together quantum mechanics, the quantum theory of solids, semiconductor material physics, and semiconductor device physics in a clear and understandable way.
  • Revised Organization MOS transistor coverage is now before bipolar transistors, updates have been made to the coverage of MOS transistors in Chapter 10 and 11 and light-emitting diodes and solar cells in Chapter 14. Text additions include coverage of microwave devices in Chapter 15, as well as a new appendix on effective mass concepts. 
  • Enhanced Learning System Additional "Test Your Understanding Exercises" have been added, exercises are added after each example, and learning objectives are included before each example as well. A preview section opens each chapter and links the current chapter's goals to those of earlier material. 
  • New Problems The fourth edition features approximately 40% new problems. 
  • Design Examples and homework problems help students grasp more practical and open ended problem solving methods. The examples contain all the details of the analysis or design, so the reader does not have to fill in missing steps. These design-oriented examples are marked with an icon. 
  • Comprehensive Coverage of Semiconductor Devices is presented from Chapter 7 onward. Each chapter treats a different device family. The organization of this book is flexible to accommodate different preferences and teaching styles. 
  • Extensive Coverage of Physics and Quantum Theory in chapters 2 and 3 prepares students for a deeper understanding and perhaps in developing new semiconductor devices. The coverage flows quite naturally and can be covered fairly quickly and efficiently.
Table of Contents
Part I Semiconductor Material Properties 
Chapter 1: The Crystal Structure of Solids 
Chapter 2: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 
Chapter 3: Introduction to the Quantum Theory of Solids 
Chapter 4: The Semiconductor in Equilibrium 
Chapter 5: Carrier Transport Phenomena 
Chapter 6: Nonequilibrium Excess Carriers in Semiconductors 

Part II Fundamental Semiconductor Devices 
Chapter 7: The pn Junction 
Chapter 8: The pn Junction Diode 
Chapter 9: Metal-Semiconductor and Semiconductor Heterojunctions 
Chapter 10: Fundamentals of the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor 
Chapter 11: Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor: Additional Concepts 
Chapter 12: The Bipolar Transistor 
Chapter 13: The Junction Field-Effect Transistor 

Part III Specialized Semiconductor Devices 
Chapter 14: Optical Devices 
Chapter 15: Semiconductor Microwave and Power Devices
Donald A. Neamen, University of New Mexico
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