Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9781324034308
- 作者:Hal R. Varian, Marc Melitz
- 版次:10
- 年份:2024
- 出版商:W. W. Norton & Co.
- 頁數/規格:818頁/平裝彩色
- 參考網頁:Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach
The Gold Standard, Now for Today’s Students
Varian’s Intermediate Microeconomics, long the gold standard, welcomes new co-author Marc Melitz. Informed by his extensive teaching experience, Melitz incorporates fresh examples and problems to modernize and enhance Varian’s core approach to support today’s students. A new interactive ebook supports provides unique interactives that explain challenging concepts, and Smartwork online assessment tool offers ample opportunities for students to work through problem sets.
The Gold Standard, Now for Today’s Students
Varian’s Intermediate Microeconomics, long the gold standard, welcomes new co-author Marc Melitz. Informed by his extensive teaching experience, Melitz incorporates fresh examples and problems to modernize and enhance Varian’s core approach to support today’s students. A new interactive ebook supports provides unique interactives that explain challenging concepts, and Smartwork online assessment tool offers ample opportunities for students to work through problem sets.
Thoroughly revised by highly respected researcher and long-term Varian user Marc Melitz.
For nearly two decades, Marc Melitz has assigned Hal Varian’s Intermediate Microeconomics for his course at Harvard, and he added Smartwork when it was introduced with the last edition. He understands that this text is written with the short, topical (but more rigorous) approach that reflects how most economists work in the discipline. However, even his students struggle with the challenging concepts in this course AND, thanks to his extensive teaching experience, he knows how to best support learning. Melitz has worked with Varian to create better student support and new, compelling applications. -
New examples from research and industry bring relevance.
With applications from research, industry, and Melitz’s teaching experience, examples like the demand for electric cars and inflation in the wake of the pandemic bring a fresh perspective to the Varian approach. -
Uses the new Norton Illumine Ebook and Smartwork assessment to provide the best support for students
New Interactive features in 17 of the most-used chapters walk students through challenging concepts and show how they can be applied. These are supported by questions that students can explore and answer. Separate Check Your Understanding questions, authored in consultation with Marc Melitz, offer rich answer-specific feedback and allow students to assess their comprehension as they work through the chapter. Lastly, Smartwork online assessment provides book-specific problems with rich feedback to develop problem-solving skills and experience. Organized in premade assignments, they are ready to deploy or customize. -
Flexible pricing and formats to accommodate every student
Intermediate Microeconomics provides the choices that students demand. We offer a full digital learning experience with access to the Illumine Ebook and Smartwork online homework. Alternatively, they can buy a print text that provides access to all of the digital resources. Students can also purchase standalone access to Smartwork online assessment tool.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Market
Chapter 2: Budget Constraint
Chapter 3: Preferences
Chapter 4: Utility
Chapter 5: Choice
Chapter 6: Demand
Chapter 7: Revealed Preference
Chapter 8: Slutsky Equation
Chapter 9: Buying and Selling
Chapter 10: Intertemporal Choice
Chapter 11: Asset Markets
Chapter 12: Uncertainty
Chapter 13: Risky Assets
Chapter 14: Consumer’s Surplus
Chapter 15: Market Demand
Chapter 16: Equilibrium
Chapter 17: Measurement
Chapter 18: Auctions
Chapter 19: Technology
Chapter 20: Profit Maximization
Chapter 21: Cost Minimization
Chapter 22: Cost Curves
Chapter 23: Firm Supply
Chapter 24: Industry Supply
Chapter 25: Monopoly
Chapter 26: Monopoly Behavior
Chapter 27: Factor Markets
Chapter 28: Oligopoly
Chapter 29: Game Theory
Chapter 30: Game Applications
Chapter 31: Behavioral Economics
Chapter 32: Exchange
Chapter 33: Production
Chapter 34: Welfare
Chapter 35: Externalities
Chapter 36: Public Goods
Chapter 37: Asymmetric Information
Chapter 38: Information Technology
Mathematical Appendix
A.1 Functions
A.2 Graphs
A.3 Properties of Functions
A.4 Inverse Functions
A.5 Equations and Identities
A.6 Linear Functions
A.7 Changes and Rates of Change
A.8 Slopes and Intercepts
A.9 Absolute Values and Logarithms
A.10 Derivatives
A.11 Second Derivatives
A.12 The Product Rule and the Chain Rule
A.13 Partial Derivatives
A.14 Optimization
A.15 Constrained Optimization
Chapter 1: The Market
Chapter 2: Budget Constraint
Chapter 3: Preferences
Chapter 4: Utility
Chapter 5: Choice
Chapter 6: Demand
Chapter 7: Revealed Preference
Chapter 8: Slutsky Equation
Chapter 9: Buying and Selling
Chapter 10: Intertemporal Choice
Chapter 11: Asset Markets
Chapter 12: Uncertainty
Chapter 13: Risky Assets
Chapter 14: Consumer’s Surplus
Chapter 15: Market Demand
Chapter 16: Equilibrium
Chapter 17: Measurement
Chapter 18: Auctions
Chapter 19: Technology
Chapter 20: Profit Maximization
Chapter 21: Cost Minimization
Chapter 22: Cost Curves
Chapter 23: Firm Supply
Chapter 24: Industry Supply
Chapter 25: Monopoly
Chapter 26: Monopoly Behavior
Chapter 27: Factor Markets
Chapter 28: Oligopoly
Chapter 29: Game Theory
Chapter 30: Game Applications
Chapter 31: Behavioral Economics
Chapter 32: Exchange
Chapter 33: Production
Chapter 34: Welfare
Chapter 35: Externalities
Chapter 36: Public Goods
Chapter 37: Asymmetric Information
Chapter 38: Information Technology
Mathematical Appendix
A.1 Functions
A.2 Graphs
A.3 Properties of Functions
A.4 Inverse Functions
A.5 Equations and Identities
A.6 Linear Functions
A.7 Changes and Rates of Change
A.8 Slopes and Intercepts
A.9 Absolute Values and Logarithms
A.10 Derivatives
A.11 Second Derivatives
A.12 The Product Rule and the Chain Rule
A.13 Partial Derivatives
A.14 Optimization
A.15 Constrained Optimization