Gunstream's Anatomy and Physiology: With Integrated Study Guide 6/e
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9781259254475
- 作者:Jason LaPres, Beh Kersten, Yong Tang, Stanley Gunstream
- 版次:6
- 年份:2016
- 出版商:McGraw-Hill
- 頁數/規格:564頁/平裝彩色
Designed for an introductory, one-semester course, the scope, organization, writing style, depth of presentation, and pedagogical aspects of this text have been tailored to meet the needs of students preparing for a career in allied health. This text does not assume any prior science knowledge on the part of the student and effectively presents students with the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology.
It's the only one-semester text available with a built-in study guide/workbook.
A hallmark feature of this text is the author’s presentation of A&P concepts that are accurate, but presented at a level that is appropriate for virtually all students. The new author team highlights the relationships between structure and function of body parts and the mechanisms of homeostasis. In addition, interrelationships of the organ systems are noted where appropriate and useful. Without the excessive detail of some of the longer A & P texts, students can better comprehend key critical concepts in each important area of study.
Users who purchase Connect Plus receive access to the full online ebook version of the textbook.
Designed for an introductory, one-semester course, the scope, organization, writing style, depth of presentation, and pedagogical aspects of this text have been tailored to meet the needs of students preparing for a career in allied health. This text does not assume any prior science knowledge on the part of the student and effectively presents students with the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology.
It's the only one-semester text available with a built-in study guide/workbook.
A hallmark feature of this text is the author’s presentation of A&P concepts that are accurate, but presented at a level that is appropriate for virtually all students. The new author team highlights the relationships between structure and function of body parts and the mechanisms of homeostasis. In addition, interrelationships of the organ systems are noted where appropriate and useful. Without the excessive detail of some of the longer A & P texts, students can better comprehend key critical concepts in each important area of study.
Users who purchase Connect Plus receive access to the full online ebook version of the textbook.
New Features
- This title includes Connect with LearnSmart- an online assessment tool featuring McGraw-Hill’s unique adaptive, diagnostic learning tool- LearnSmart.
- Excessive details in this textbook have been omitted, technical terms have been minimized, and complex topics have been simplified for better student comprehension.
- The sequence of chapter topics progress from simple to more complex, and a similar progression occurs within each chapter to enhance learning.
- Learning tools include chapter outlines, chapter learning objectives, readings on relevant clinical applications, self-check section questions, key terms with phonetic pronunciations, and chapter summaries that include bulleted main points, important vocabulary terms, review questions, and critical thinking questions.
- Numerous high-quality illustrations and tables are used throughout the text to help students visualize anatomical features and physiological processes.
- Clinical application readings offer topic-relevant information from various clinical settings and/or careers. These readings are strategically placed throughout the text to exemplify the importance of the surrounding textual content.
- In-text review questions are located at the end of major sections to challenge students to assess their understanding before continuing.
- In addition to the A & P structure and/or function content, including the mechanisms that maintain homeostasis, each chapter discusses common disorders that allied health students are likely to encounter in a clinical setting.
- Each chapter features a built-in study guide of four to eight pages in length. Students demonstrate their understanding of the chapter by labeling full-color diagrams and answering completion, matching, and true/false questions. Answers to the study guide are included in the accompanying instructor’s manual.
- Numbered Learning Outcomes are found under each major heading within each chapter and “Check My Understanding” questions allow students to check their grasp of the section’s content. Answers to these questions are available in Appendix B for student self-practice.
New Features
- All chapters have been revised per reviewer input. Terminology has been updated via the Terminology Anatomica and new information on clinical disorders has been added.
- A new art program with numerous new and/or revised pieces of art, all in the same style, have been added to this edition. Gunstream’s art is simple, uncluttered, has only the necessary amount of labels, and focuses on conveying key concepts to students.
- New chapter introductions have been written to provide the setting and reflection of the content for the chapter and its place with the recurring theme of Homeostasis.
- The end-of-chapter summary headings have been numbered and major points have been bulleted, making this study tool easier to read.
Table of Contents
Part 1 Organization of the Body
1. Introduction to the Human Body
2. Chemicals of Life
3. Cell
4. Tissues and Membranes
Part 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
5. Integumentary System
6. Skeletal System
7. Muscular System
Part 3 Integration and Control
8. Nervous System
9. Senses
10. Endocrine System
Part 4 Maintenance of the Body
11. Blood
12. The Cardiovascular System
13. Lymphatic System and Defenses Against Disease
14. Respiratory System
15. Digestive System
16. Urinary System
Part 5 Reproduction
17. Reproductive Systems
18. Development, Pregnancy and Genetics
Part 6 Study Guides
Appendix A: Keys to Medical Terminology
Appendix B: Answers to Self-Review Questions
Part 1 Organization of the Body
1. Introduction to the Human Body
2. Chemicals of Life
3. Cell
4. Tissues and Membranes
Part 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
5. Integumentary System
6. Skeletal System
7. Muscular System
Part 3 Integration and Control
8. Nervous System
9. Senses
10. Endocrine System
Part 4 Maintenance of the Body
11. Blood
12. The Cardiovascular System
13. Lymphatic System and Defenses Against Disease
14. Respiratory System
15. Digestive System
16. Urinary System
Part 5 Reproduction
17. Reproductive Systems
18. Development, Pregnancy and Genetics
Part 6 Study Guides
Appendix A: Keys to Medical Terminology
Appendix B: Answers to Self-Review Questions